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[Refer] RAM Publications


MIL-HDBK-H 108 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Life and Reliability Testing (Based on Exponential Distribution)

This handbook provides procedures and tables based on the exponential distribution for life and reliability testing. It includes definitions required for the use of the life test sampling plans and procedures; general description of life test sampling plans; life tests terminated upon occurrence of preassigned number of failures; life tests terminated at preassigned time; and sequential life test sampling plans.

MIL-HDBK-189 Reliability Growth Management

This document is designed for both managers and analysts covering everything from simple fundamentals to detailed technical analysis. Included are concepts and principles of reliability growth, advantages of managing reliability growth, and guidelines and procedures used to manage reliability growth. It allows the development of a plan that will aid in developing a final system that meets requirements and lowers the life-cycle cost of the fielded system. The document includes sections on benefits, concepts, engineering analysis, and growth models.

MIL-HDBK-217F Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment

The purpose of this handbook is to establish and maintain consistent and uniform methods for estimating the inherent reliability of electronic equipment and systems. It provides a common basis for reliability predictions. This handbook includes two basic methods for reliability prediction of electronic equipment. The first method is the part stress analysis prediction technique, employing complex models using detailed stress analysis information as well as environment, quality applications, maximum ratings, complexity, temperature, construction, and a number of other application-related factors. The second is a simple method called the parts count reliability prediction technique, using primarily the number of parts of each category with consideration of part quality, environments encountered, and maturity of the production process. The simple method is beneficial in early trade-off studies and situations where the detailed circuit design is unknown. The complex method requires detailed study and analysis which is available when the circuit design has been defined. Samples of each type of calculation are provided.

MIL-HDBK-251 Reliability/Design Thermal Applications

This document details approaches to thermal design; methods for the determination of thermal requirements; selection of cooling methods; natural methods of cooling; thermal design for forced air, liquid-cooled, vaporization, and special (heat pipes) cooling systems. Topics covered are the standard hardware program thermal design, installation requirements, thermal evaluation, improving existing designs, and thermal characteristics of parts. Stress analysis methods are emphasized and specific step by step thermal design procedures are given.

MlL-HDBK-263A Electrostatic Discharge Control Handbook for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices)

This handbook provides guidance for developing, implementing and monitoring an ESD control program for electronic parts, assemblies and equipment in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-1686. This document includes definitions, causes and effects (including failure mechanisms), charge sources, list and category of electrostatic-sensitive devices by part type, testing, application information, considerations, and protective networks. The specific guidance provided is supplemented by technical data contained in the appendices. Table I provides a cross-reference listing of MIL-STD-1686 requirements, MIL-HDBK-263 guidance, and MIL-HDBK-263 supplementary technical data.

MIL-HDBK-338 Electronic Reliability Design Handbook

This handbook provides procuring activities and contractors with an understanding of the concepts, principles, and methodologies covering all aspects of electronic systems reliability engineering and cost analysis as they relate to the design, acquisition, and deployment of equipment or systems. Currently a two-volume set, it discusses the entire subject, heavily emphasizing the reasons for the reliability discipline. It includes general information, referenced documents, definitions, reliability theory, component reliability design considerations, application guidelines, specification control during acquisition, logistic support, failure reporting and analysis, reliability and maintainability theory, reliability specification allocation and prediction, reliability engineering design guidelines, reliability data collection and analysis, demonstration and growth, software reliability, systems reliability engineering, production and deployment reliability and maintainability (R&M), and R&M management considerations.

MIL-HDBK-344 Environmental Stress Screening of Electronic Equipment

This handbook provides uniform procedures, methods and techniques for planning, monitoring and controlling the cost effectiveness of ESS programs for electronic equipment. It is intended to support the requirements of MIL-STD-785, Task 301, "Environmental Stress Screening" and/or MIL-STD-781 and Task 401, "Environmental Stress Screening".

MIL-STD-690C Failure Rate Sampling Plans and Procedures

This standard provides procedures for failure rate qualification, sampling plans for establishing and maintaining failure rate levels at selected confidence levels, and lot conformance inspection procedures associated with failure rate testing for the purpose of direct reference in appropriate military electronic parts established reliability (ER) specifications. Figures and tables throughout this standard are based on exponential distribution.

MIL-STD-721C Definition of Terms for Reliability and Maintainability

This standard defines terms and definitions used most frequently in specifying Reliability and Maintainability (R & M). Provides a common definition for the Department of Defense and defense contractors.

MIL-STD-756B Reliability Modeling and Prediction

This standard establishes uniform procedures and ground rules for the generating mission reliability and basic reliability models and predictions for electronic, electrical, electromechanical, mechanical, and ordnance systems and equipments. Model complexity may range from a complete system to the simplest subdivision of a system. It details the methods for determining service use (life cycle), creation of the reliability block diagram, construction of the mathematical model for computing the item reliability. Some simple explanations on the applicability and suitability of the various prediction sources and methods are included.

MIL-HDBK-781 Reliability Test Methods, Plans and Environments for Engineering Development, Qualification and Production

This handbook provides test methods, test plans, and test environmental profiles which can be used in reliability testing during the development, qualification, and production of systems and equipment. This handbook is designed to be used with MIL-STD-781. The test methods, test plans, and environmental profile data are presented in a manner which facilitates their use with the tailorable tasks of MIL-STD-781.

MIL-STD-781D Reliability Design Qualification and Production Acceptance Tests: Exponential/ Distribution

This document covers the requirements and provides details for reliability testing during the development, qualification, and production of systems and equipment with an exponential time-to-failure distribution. It establishes the tailorable requirements for reliability testing performed during integrated test programs specified in MIL-STD-785. Task descriptions for Reliability Development/ Growth Testing (RD/GT), Reliability Qualification Testing (RQT), Production Reliability Acceptance Tests (PRAT), and Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) are defined. Test time is stated in multiples of the design Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF). Specifying any two of three parameters, i.e., lower test MTBF, upper test MTBF, or their ratio, given the desired decision risks, determines the test plan to be utilized. This standard is applicable to six broad categories of equipment, distinguished according to their field service applications.

MlL-STD-785B Reliability Program for Systems and Equipment, Development and Production

This document provides general requirements and specific tasks for reliability programs. It is used for reliability program planning and includes task descriptions for basic application requirements including sections on program surveillance and control, design and evaluation, development and production testing. An appendix for application guidance for implementation of reliability program requirements is also included. The subsections are in the form of purpose, task description, and details to be specified by the procuring activity. This is a program management document, not a typical detailed what-to-do standard document.

MlL-STD-790E Reliability Assurance Program for Electronic Parts Specifications

This document establishes the criteria for electronic and fiber optic parts product assurance programs which are to be met by manufacturers qualifying electronic parts to specification. Typical topics covered are document submission, organizational structure, test facilities, and failure analysis reports.

MIL-STD-1543B Reliability Program Requirements for Space and Missile Systems

This document establishes uniform reliability program requirements and tasks for use during design, development, fabrication, test, and operation of space and launch vehicles. Topics covered in this document are design for reliability; failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA), reliability analysis; modeling and prediction; discrepancy and failure reporting; maximum preacceptance operation; effects of testing, storage, shelf life; packaging, transportation, handling, and maintainability. It gives application guidance and an appendix for FMEA for space and launch vehicle systems.

MIL-STD-1629A Procedures for Performing a Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis

This document shows how to perform a Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). It establishes requirements and procedures for performing a FMECA to systematically evaluate and document, by item failure mode analysis, the potential impact of each functional or hardware failure on mission success, personnel and system safety, system performance, maintainability, and maintenance requirements. Each potential failure is ranked by the severity of its effect in order that appropriate corrective actions may be taken to eliminate or control the high risk items. It details the functional block diagram modeling method, defines severity classification and criticality numbers. It provides sample formats for a FMEA, criticality analysis, FMEA and criticality analysis maintainability information sheet, and damage mode and effects analysis sheet. The document also provides several examples.

MIL-STD-1686B Electrostatic Discharge Control Program for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices)

The purpose of this standard is to establish the requirements for an ESD control program to minimize the effects of ESD on parts, assemblies, and equipment. This standard defines the requirements for an ESD control program for electrical and electronic parts, assemblies, and equipment, susceptible to damage from ESD. It covers identification, testing, classification, assembly and equipment design criteria protected work areas, handling procedures, training, marking of documentation and hardware, protective covering, packaging and marking, and installation for assemblies and equipment. Also included are quality assurance requirements, data requirements, audits and reviews. Refer to MIL-HDBK-263 for how-to information.

MIL-STD-2074 Failure Classification for Reliability Testing

This document establishes criteria for classification of failures occurring during reliability testing. This classification into relevant or nonrelevant categories allows the proper generation of MTBF reports. This document applies to any reliability test, including, but not limited to, tests performed in accordance with MIL-STD-781.

MIL-STD-2155 Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System (FRACAS)

This document establishes uniform requirements and criteria for a Failure Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) to implement the FRACAS requirement of MIL-STD-785.

MIL-STD-2164 Environment Stress Screening Process for Electronic Equipment

This document defines the requirements for ESS of electronic equipment, including environmental test conditions, duration of exposure, procedures, equipment operation, actions taken upon detection of defects, and test documentation. The document provides for a uniform ESS to be utilized for effectively disclosing manufacturing defects in electronic equipment.


MIL-STD-470B Maintainability Program Requirements for Systems and Equipment

This document includes application requirements, tailorable maintainability program tasks, and an appendix with an application matrix and guidance and rationale for task selection. The topics covered are program surveillance and control, design and analysis, modeling, allocations, predictions, failure mode and effects analysis, and maintainability design criteria. Each task item includes a purpose, task description, and details to be specified. Software maintainability is not covered by this document.

MIL-STD-471A Maintainability Verification/Demonstration/Evaluation

This document provides procedures and test methods for verification, demonstration, and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative maintainability requirements. It also provides for qualitative assessment of various integrated logistic support factors related to and impacting the achievement of maintainability parameters and item downtime, e.g. technical manuals, personnel, tools and test equipment, maintenance concepts and provisioning.

MIL-HDBK-472 Maintainability Prediction

This document is to familiarize project managers and design engineers with maintainability prediction procedures. It provides the analytic foundation and application details of five prediction methods. Each procedure details applicability, point of application, basic parameters of measure, information required correlation, and cautionary notes. The highlights of each maintainability prediction procedure are presented in a clear and intelligible manner and include useful supplementary information applicable to specific procedures. Maintainability Prediction Procedures I and III are applicable solely to electronic systems and equipments. Procedures II and IV can be used for all systems and equipments. In applying Procedure II to non-electronic equipments the appropriate task times must be estimated. Procedure V can be used to predict maintainability parameters of avionics, ground and shipboard electronics at the organizational, intermediate and depot levels of maintenance.

DOD-HDBK-791 Maintainability Design Techniques

This handbook supplies information on incorporating maintainability into Army materiel design. It defines maintainability and discusses its importance, quantitative measurement, and incorporation into the design process. Other subjects discussed in detail cover simplification, standardization and interchangeability, accessibility, modularization, identification and labeling, testability and diagnostic techniques, preventive maintenance, human factors, and environmental factors as they relate to maintainability.

MIL-STD-1591 On Aircraft, Fault Diagnosis, Subsystems, Analysis/Synthesis of

This document establishes uniform criteria for conducting trade studies to determine the optimal design for an on-aircraft fault diagnosis/isolation system. This document is applicable where a selection can be made between such alternatives as central computer controlled on-board centrally polled built-in test equipment (BITE), decentralized BITE, detached Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE), etc., or combinations of the preceding. The fault diagnosis/isolation systems of interest are those used to diagnose/isolate faults at the flight line (organizational) level of maintenance. This document also provides a cost model and a maintainability labor power model.

MIL-STD-1843 Reliability-Centered Maintenance for Aircraft, Engines and Equipment

This document, which is based on the Airline/Manufacturer Maintenance Program Planning Document MSG-3, outlines the procedures for developing preventive maintenance requirements through the use of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Analysis (RCMA) for Air Force aircraft and engine systems, aircraft and engine structures and equipment, including peculiar and common Support Equipment (SE) Communications and Electronics (C-E) equipment, vehicles, weapons and other similar equipment items.

MIL-STD-2084 Maintainability of Avionic & Electronic Systems and Equipment

This document covers the common maintainability design requirements to be used in military specifications for avionic and electronic systems and equipment.

MIL-STD-2165A Testability Programs for Electronic Systems & Equipment

This document is intended to prescribe a systematic approach for establishing and conducting a testability program. It describes a uniform approach to testability program planning, establishment of diagnostic concepts and testability (including BIT) requirements, testability and test design and assessment, and requirements for conducting testability program reviews. Relevant tasks in this document are to be applied during the conceptual phase, demonstration and validation phases, full-scale development phase and production phase of the acquisition process.

DOD-STD-1701 Hardware Diagnostic Test System Requirements

This document establishes the general procedures, terms and conditions governing the preparation and completion of a hardware diagnostic test system.

MIL-STD-2173 Reliability-Centered Maintenance Requirements for Naval Aircraft, Weapons Systems and Support Equipment

This document is used to provide procedures for a Reliability-Centered Maintenance analysis for naval aircraft, weapons systems, and support equipment. This document is used during development of new systems and equipment, and by analysts and auditors within the Naval Air Systems Command for determining preventive maintenance requirements and developing age exploration requirements. The document can also be used to update the initial reliability-centered maintenance analysis and analyze newly discovered failure modes.

MIL-STD-001591A Subsystem Analysis/Synthesis of Command, Control & Communication (C3) System Component Fault Diagnosis

This document establishes uniform criteria for conducting trade studies to determine the optimal design for command, control and communication system and component fault diagnosis/isolation subsystems, These types of systems are referred to as Fault Identification & Test Subsystems (FITS). FITS include the hardware and/or software necessary for the detection and isolation of failures.


MIL-HDBK-274 Electrical Grounding For Aircraft Safety

The purpose of this handbook is to provide aircraft maintenance personnel with the information required for electrical safety grounding of each type of operational aircraft in the U.S. Navy inventory. In addition, this handbook provides background information pertaining to the operational concerns for aircraft grounding, static electricity theory and how it affects aircraft, and techniques used for measurement of grounding points.

MlL-HDBK-764 System Safety Engineering Design Guide For Army Materiel

This handbook presents system safety considerations for use in designing army materiel. The areas covered include safety engineering concepts and objectives, system safety analysis, hazard analysis, software analysis, and general design application considerations.

MIL-HDBK-828 Laser Range Safety

The purpose of this handbook is to provide uniform guidance in evaluations for the safe use of military lasers and laser systems on DOD military reservations or military-controlled areas worldwide. This handbook is intended to supplement each military service s normal procedures for laser ranges.

MIL-STD-882C System Safety Program Requirements

This document provides requirements for developing and implementing a System safety program to identify the hazards of a system and to impose design requirements and management controls to prevent mishaps by eliminating hazards or reducing risks. It applies to every activity of the system life cycle; e.g., research, technology development, design, test and evaluation, production, construction, checkout/calibration, operation, maintenance and support, modification and disposal. Twenty-two tasks are defined in the areas of program management and control and design and evaluation. Typical tasks are system safety program plan, preliminary hazard analysis, and software hazard analysis. An appendix is provided to give some rationale and methods for satisfying the requirements previously detailed.

MIL-STD-1247C Markings, Functions and Hazard Designations of Hose, Pipe, and Tube Lines for Aircraft Missiles, and Space Systems

This document is intended for use in the establishment of material labeling requirements for identification, function, sub-function, pressures, hazards and direction of flow for pipes, hoses, and tube lines used in aircraft, missile, space systems, and support equipment. The use of colors, words and symbols to identify the functions of such items (to include approved abbreviations), and the dimensions of labeling items such as tags, tapes, and bands, are specifically prescribed. This document is designed to result in rapid servicing of functional systems to return them to full operation and are an integral part of the complete system.

MIL-STD-1425A Safety Design Requirements for Military Lasers and Associated Support Equipment

This document defines safety design requirements for military laser systems and associated support equipment. These requirements are the minimum requirements necessary to control the hazards caused directly by laser radiation. Associated system hazards, such as electrical shock, toxic chemicals, high pressure, etc., are controlled through the selection of appropriate requirements in other standards and specifications. A comprehensive system safety program in accordance with MIL-STD-882 should be used to identify and control all hazards unique to the specific laser.

MIL-STD-1576 Electroexplosive Subsystem Safety Requirements and Test Methods for Space Systems

The purpose of this document is to insure the safety of personnel, launch site facilities, and space vehicles from the hazards resulting from electroexplosive subsystem inadvertent initiation. The requirements and test methods contained in this document are not intended to insure all electroexplosive subsystem performance requirements except in those cases where failure to perform would create a hazard to personnel, launch site facilities, and space vehicles. The electroexplosive subsystem is composed of all components from the power source to, and including, the electroexplosive device; safe and arm devices, arm/disarm switches, relays and all electrical wiring used to monitor, control, arm and fire ordnance are specifically included. This Standard applies to all space vehicle systems (e.g., launch vehicles, upper stages, boosters, payloads, and related systems using electroexplosive devices.


DOD-HDBK-743A Anthropometry of U.S. Military Personnel

This handbook provides metric anthropometric data on U.S. military personnel. The body size and proportion information is of great importance in the human factors engineering of clothing and personal equipment as well as military vehicles such as tanks, submarines, and aircraft. Included with the data are the data sources, diagrams of body measurements, and definitions of related terminology.

MIL-HDBK-759B Human Factors Engineering Design for Army Materiel

This handbook is intended to provide non-binding human factors engineering guidelines, preferred practices, and reference data for design of Army materiel. This handbook also serves to provide expanded, supplementary, and Army-relevant human factors engineering information that may be too detailed, lengthy, or service-oriented for inclusion in military standards, such as MIL-STD-1472. Programmatic and technique-oriented guidelines may be found in DOD-HDBK-763.

MIL-HDBK-761A Human Engineering Guidelines for Management Information Systems

This handbook provides analysis techniques and methodologies for management information system development and presents human engineering guidelines for detailed user-computer interface software design. Where hardware design guidance is needed, the requirements of MIL-STD-1472 "Human Engineering Design Criteria for Military Systems, Equipment, and Facilities" should apply. This handbook may also be applied to non-developmental item (NDI) acquisitions.

DOD-HDBK-763 Human Engineering Procedures Guide

This handbook provides guidance and assistance to human engineers and managers in application of MIL-H-46855 to the system/equipment acquisition process. It assists relatively inexperienced personnel assigned responsibility for Human Engineering understand and utilize Human Engineering in the acquisition process. It also tries to provide a common, unified approach as to what Human Engineering is and how it relates to other areas.

MIL-STD-1295A Human Factors Engineering Design Criteria for Helicopter Cockpit Electro-Optical Display Symbology

This document establishes general information, symbology, and display format requirements for hover, position, transition, cruise and weapon delivery modes of rotary-wing aircraft missions.

MIL-STD-1472D Human Engineering Design Criteria for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities

This document presents human engineering principles, design criteria, and practices to integrate humans (their requirements) into systems and facilities. This is desired to achieve effectiveness, simplicity, efficiency, reliability, and safety of the system operation, training, and maintenance. This document contains interesting and useful information on items with which humans commonly interface including data and illustrations on visual fields, controls and displays (manual, visual, and audio), physical dimensions and strengths of humans, ground workspace design requirements, environments, design for maintainability, design for remote handling, hazards, and safety considerations. This document contains extensive figures and tables on human parameters.

MIL-STD-1478 Task Performance Analysis

This document defines the requirements for performing a task performance analysis where such analysis as part of the development and acquisition of systems, equipments and facilities.

MIL-STD-1794 Human Factors Engineering Program for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Systems

This document provides task descriptions for conducting an integrated human factors engineering program to the development and acquisition of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) systems. The human factors engineering program shall apply to all system engineering analyses, studies, concepts, systems, equipment, software, and facilities, including aerospace vehicle equipment, operational support equipment, maintenance support equipment, depot support equipment, test support equipment, special test equipment, training equipment, and modifications to government furnished equipment and commercial equipment.

MIL-STD-1908 Definitions of Human Factors Terms

This document defines terms frequently used in human factors standardization documents by providing common meanings of such terms to ensure that they will be interpreted consistently and in the manner intended.

MIL-HDBK-46855 Human Engineering Requirements for Military Systems Equipment and Facilities

This document details requirements and tasks to be applied during development and acquisition program phases to improve the human interface with equipment and software. Its use should allow achievement of effective and economical utilization of human resources. The document is intended to ensure that; the system requirements are achieved by appropriate use of the human component; through proper design of equipment, software, and environment, the personnel-equipment/software combination meets system performance goals; design features will not constitute a hazard to personnel; trade-off points between automated vs. manual operation have been chosen for peak system efficiency within appropriate cost limits; and human engineering applications are technically adequate. Topics covered are analysis functions including human performance parameters, equipment capabilities, and task environments design; test and evaluation; analysis to be performed such as workload analysis dynamic simulation, and data requirements. Some selected terms are defined such as critical human factors. An application matrix is provided detailing program phases when each task is appropriate. Refer to MIL-STD-1472 for task details.

MIL-H-46855B Human Engineering Requirements for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities

This document establishes and defines the requirements for applying human engineering to the development and acquisition of military systems, equipment and facilities. These requirements include system analysis, task analysis, system design (including computer software design), equipment and facilities design, testing, and documentation and reporting. This document is intended to assure that; system requirements are achieved by appropriate use of the human component; through proper design of equipment, software and environment, the personnel-equipment/software combination meets system performance goals; design features will not constitute a hazard to personnel; trade-off points between automated vs. manual operation have been chosen for peak system efficiency within appropriate cost limits; human engineering applications are technically adequate; the equipment is designed to facilitate required maintenance; procedures for operating and maintaining equipment are efficient, reliable and safe; potential error-inducing equipment design features are minimized; the layout of the facility and the arrangement of equipment affords efficient communication and use; the contractors provide the necessary manpower and technical capability to accomplish the above objectives.


MIL-STD-105E Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes

This document addresses the subjects of sampling plans; lot size; inspection levels; average quality levels (AQLs); classification of defects; multiple sampling; and normal, tightened, and reduced sampling. For equipments where the sequential method of testing, based on operating time, may not be appropriate, this document, based on the success ratio, can be used. It includes numerous tables showing accept-reject levels and operating characteristic curves for sampling plans. The sampling plans described in this document are applicable to AQL's of .01 percent or higher and are therefore not suitable for applications where quality levels in the defective parts per million range can be realized.

MIL-STD-337 Design To Cost

This document prescribes the Design to Cost program objectives and requirements for design and development of systems, subsystems, equipments, and software. It provides general and specific requirements to ensure effective control of the design-related production and ownership costs. This is accomplished by a Design to Cost program which is planned, documented, implemented, and reviewed in consonance with related technical and management disciplines. Included are requirements for making Life Cycle Cost elements inherent in the critical functional areas of reliability, logistics, and optimization by using tradeoff studies, cost estimation and tracking in the life cycle management acquisition process; requirements for information sharing between government and industry of data and studies relative to the acquisition and ownership costs of the system; requirements for relating Design to Cost to the supportability considerations of the deployed system, to logistic support analyses, and to reliability and maintainability studies.

MlL-STD-454N Standard General Requirements for Electronic Equipment

This document covers the common requirements to be used in military specifications for electronic equipment. It establishes the technical baseline for design and construction of electronic equipment for the Department of Defense. It addresses 75 requirements such as brazing, substitutability, reliability, resistors, and casting. It provides numerous references on the subjects addressed.

This standard was superceeded by MIL-STD-2036 several years ago.

MIL-HDBK-728 NonDestructive Testing (NDT)

The handbook is provided as a guide and describes general principles, procedures and safety items, of eddy current, liquid penetrate, magnetic particle, radiographic and ultrasonic testing. This handbook is not a training manual. Nor can it replace other written directives, procedures or specifications. However, it can serve as a ready reference to the important principles and facts relating to the employment of nondestructive testing, inspection and evaluation.

MIL-HDBK-729 Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention Metals

This handbook contains technical information and data pertaining to the corrosion and corrosion protection of metals and alloys. The factors influencing corrosion, forms of corrosive attack including stress-corrosion cracking and hydrogen-stress cracking (hydrogen embrittlement), corrosion characteristics of metals, and general methods of protecting metals and alloys from corrosion, are covered in condensed form, along with information on corrosion testing. Emphasis is placed upon the type of corrosion encountered by military equipment.

MIL-HDBK-772 Military Packaging Engineering

This handbook covers fundamental principles and practices of military packaging engineering. It provides information concerning materials, the basic causes of deterioration, methods of preservation, and types of preservatives. Also included is information on natural and transportation environments, cost and human engineering factors, and other special military packaging considerations.

MIL-HDBK-798 System Engineer's Design for Discard Handbook

This handbook provides design guidance as well as general information on applicable concepts, techniques, and procedures for practical implementation of a design for discard program. The handbook explains what design for discard means; why design for discard should be implemented; what the design for discard effort should involve; how to implement design for discard in a project; the tradeoffs involved during design; the interfaces with other system disciplines; and the techniques used to evaluate the results of design for discard.

MIL-STD-810E Environmental Test Methods and Engineering Guidelines

The purpose of this document is to standardize the design and conduct of tests for assessing the ability of military equipment to withstand environmental stresses which it will encounter during its life cycle, and to insure that plans and test results are adequately documented. This document provides guidelines for conducting environmental engineering tasks and provides test methods for determining the effects of natural and induced environments on equipment used in military applications. Included in the numerous types of tests detailed are purpose, environmental effects, guidelines for determining test procedures and test conditions, references, apparatus, preparation for test, procedures, information to be recorded.

MIL-STD-883D Test Methods and Procedures for Microelectronics

This document establishes uniform methods, controls, and procedures for designing, testing, identifying and certifying microelectronic devices suitable for use within military and aerospace electronic systems including basic environmental tests to determine resistance to deleterious effects of natural elements and conditions surrounding military and space operations; physical and electrical tests; design, package and material constraints; general marking requirements; workmanship and training procedures; and such other controls and constraints as have been deemed necessary to ensure a uniform level of quality and reliability suitable to the intended applications of those devices. Also covered are test procedures for failure analysis, limit testing, wafer lot acceptance, and destructive physical analysis.

MIL-STD-965B Parts Control Program

The purpose of this document is to establish the guidelines and requirements for implementation of a parts control program. This document describes two procedures covering the submission, review, and approval of program parts selection lists (PPSL). Typical topics covered are PPSL approval, meetings, parts control board, and Military Parts Control Advisory Group.

MIL-STD-975M NASA Standard Electrical, Electronic, and Electro Mechanical (EEE) Parts List

This purpose of this document is to provide equipment designers and manufacturers with electronic parts having quality levels considered to be most acceptable for flight and mission-essential ground support equipment. It provides a means of selecting, procuring, and applying Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts for use in flight and mission-essential ground support equipment. Three levels of quality are used in this standard. Grade 1 parts are very low risk, higher quality and reliability parts intended for critical applications. Grade 2 parts are low risk, high quality and reliability parts for use in applications not requiring Grade 1 parts. Grade 3 parts are higher risk, good quality and reliability parts but are not recommended for applications requiring high product assurance levels.

MIL-STD-1369 Integrated Logistic Support Program Requirements

This document establishes the requirements, procedures and formats to be used for the development and documentation of an Integrated Logistic Support Program. Integrated Logistic Support, including maintainability requirements, is the result of a planning process designed to aid in achieving maximum overall system effectiveness by taking advantage of the direct relationship which exists between hardware design characteristics and resultant logistic support requirements by considering both, concurrently throughout the design process, in a quantitative manner to provide a basis for weapons/weapon systems/equipment optimization through sound engineering trade-off. Documentation requirements will provide accurate records to assure continuation of an adequate logistics support base throughout the operational life cycle of a weapons system or equipment.

MIL-STD-1388-1A Logistics Support Analysis

This document details Logistic Support Analysis guidelines and requirements. Tasks detail the purpose, task description, task input, and task output. Typical tasks are program planning and control; development of early Logistic Support Analysis strategy; planning; program and design reviews; mission hardware, software, and support; system standardization; early fielding analysis; and supportability assessment.

MIL-STD-1388-2B DOD Requirements for a Logistic Support Analysis Record

This document describes the data element definitions, data field lengths, and formats for Logistic Support Analysis Record (LSAR) data. It identifies the LSAR reports that are generated from the LSAR data and identifies the LSAR relational tables and automated data processing specifications for transmittal and delivery of automated LSAR data.

MlL-STD-1556B Government/Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP)

This document defines the requirements for participation in the GIDEP program, which includes the engineering, failure experience, reliability-maintainability, and metrology data interchanges. It is intended to be applied to prime contractors and major subcontractors (who are users of parts) for the government. The reliability-maintainability data interchange contains failure rate and mode and replacement rate data on parts, components, assemblies, subsystems, and materials based on field performance information and reliability test of equipment, subsystems, and systems. This data interchange also contains reports on theories, methods, techniques, and procedures related to reliability and maintainability practices.

MIL-STD-1568B Materials and Processes for Corrosion Prevention and Control in Aerospace Weapons Systems

This document establishes the requirements for materials, processes and techniques, and identifies the tasks required to implement an effective corrosion prevention and control program during the conceptual, validation, development and production phases of aerospace system. The intent is to minimize life cycle cost due to corrosion and to obtain improved reliability.

RAC NPRD Nonelectronic Parts Reliability Data, 1991

This document provides failure rate and failure mode information for mechanical, electromechanical, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and rotating parts. The assumption that the failures of nonelectronic parts follow the exponential distribution has been made because of the virtual absence of data containing individual times or cycles to failure. Generic failure rate tables include environment; application (military or commercial); failure rate; number of records; number failed; and operating hours. A 60 percent confidence interval is used.


Organization Issuing Standards


Human Factors Engineering Guidelines and Preferred Practices for the Design of Medical Devices (Second Edition)

ANSI R15.05-3

Industrial Robots and Robot Systems - Reliability Acceptance Testing - Guidelines


Human Performance Measurements


Recommended Practice for Software Reliability


Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole- Body Vibration, Guide for (ASA 38) (R 1993)


Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy


REVISED - Human Body Model (HBM) Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing


Human Factors Engineering of Visual Display Terminal Workstations


Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems, Equipment, and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations

ANSI/IEEE 500 Guide to the Collection and Presentation of Electrical, Electronic, Sensing Component, and Mechanical Equipment Reliability Data for Nuclear-Power Generating Stations (R 1991)


Standard Requirements for Reliability Analysis in the Design and Operation of Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (R 1992)


Standard Definitions for Use in Reporting Electric Generating Unit Reliability, Availability, and Productivity (R 1993)


Survey Results: Computerization of Reliability, Maintainability & Supportability (RM&S) in Design


Human Engineering Considerations in the Application of Color to Electronic Aircraft Displays


Aerospace Glossary for Human Factors Engineers


Human Physical Dimensions, Recommended Practice; May 1989

ARINC 628 ITEM 12.0


ASA S3.18

Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole Body Vibration, Guide for (ASA 38) (R 1993)

ASA S3.34

Guide for the Measurement and Evaluation of Human Exposure to Vibration Transmitted to the Hand (ASA 67)


Test and Reliability Guidelines (R 1991)


Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy

BSI BS 5760: PART 0

1986 Reliability of Constructed or Manufactured Products, Systems Equipment and Components Part 0: Introductory Guide to Reliability

BSI BS 5760: PART 1

1985 Reliability of Systems, Equipments and Components Part 1: Guide to Reliability and Maintainability Programme Management

BSI BS 5760: PART 2

1994 Reliability of Systems, Equipments and Components Part 2: Guide to the Assessment of Reliability (G)

BSI BS 5760: PART 3

1982 Reliability of Systems, Equipments and Components Part 3: Guide to Reliability Practices: Examples

BSI BS 5760: PART 4

1986 Reliability of Systems, Equipments and Components Part 4: Guide to Specification Clauses Relating to the Achievement and Development of Reliability in New and Existing Items

BSI BS 5760: PART 5

1991 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 5: Guide to Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMEA and FMECA) (G)

BSI BS 5760: PART 6

1991 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 6: Guide to Programs for Reliability Growth (IEC 1014: 1989) (G)

BSI BS 5760: PART 7

1991 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 7: Guide to Fault Tree Analysis (G) (IEC 1025: 1990)

BSI BS 5760: PART 9

1992 Amd 1 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 9: Guide to the Block Diagram Technique (AMD 8152) April 15, 1994 (IEC 1078: 1991) (G)

BSI BS 5760: SEC 10

1993 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 10: Guide to Reliability Testing Section, General Requirements, Compliance Test Procedures for Steady- State Availability, Guide to Reliability Testing, Compliance Test Plans for Success Ratio (IEC 1025: 1979)

BSI BS 5760: PART 11

1994 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 11: Collection of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Maintenance Support Data from the Field (IEC 300- 3-2: 1993) (G)

BSI BS 5760: PART 12

1993 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 12: Guide to the Presentation of Reliability, Maintainability and Availability Predictions (IEC 863: 1986) (G)

BSI BS 5760: SEC 13.1

1993 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 13: Guide to Reliability Test Conditions for Consumer Equipment Section 13.1: Conditions Providing a Low Degree of Simulation for Indoor Portable Equipment (IEC 605-3-1: 1986) (G)

BSI BS 5760: SEC 13.2

1993 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 13: Guide to Reliability Test Conditions for Consumer Equipment Section 13.2: Conditions Providing a High Degree of Simulation for Equipment Use in Partially Weatherprotected Locations

BSI BS 5760: SEC 13.3

1993 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 13: Guide to Reliability Test Conditions for Consumer Equipment Section 13.3: Conditions Providing a Low Degree of Simulation for Equipment for Stationary Use in Partially Weatherprotected Locations (IEC 605-3- 3: 1992) (G)

BSI BS 5760: SEC 13.4

1993 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 13: Reliability Test Conditions for Consumer Equip. Section 13.4:Conditions Providing a Low Degree of Simulation for Equipment for Portable and Non-Stationary Use (IEC 605-3-4: 1992) (G)

BSI BS 5760: PART 14

1993 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 14: Guide to Formal Design Review (IEC 1160: 1992) (G)

BSI BS EN 61078

1994 Amd 1 Reliability of Systems, Equipment and Components Part 9: Guide to the Block Diagram Technique (AMD 8152) April 15, 1994 (IEC 1078: 1991) (G)


1992 Reliability and Maintainability (G)


General Reliability

CAA CHAPTER J2-1 APP#3 09.66

System Reliability

CAA CHAPTER K6-12 APP1 10.92

Systems Reliability

CECC CECC 00 801 ISSUE 1 Preliminary Guidance Document: Pi-Q Factors of CECC Approved Components for Use in Reliability Predictions (En, Fr, Ge) AMD 1 (En, Fr, Ge)


Guidance Document: Interpretation of "EN 29000" - Reliability Aspects for Electronic Components (En, Fr, Ge)


Analysis Techniques for Dependability - Reliability Block Diagram Method (IEC 1078 : 1991)


Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Standards for Telecommunications Applications


Human Factors (HF); Usability Checklist for Telephones Basic Requirements


Human Factors (HF); the Multiple Index Approach (MIA) for the Evaluation of Pictograms


Human Factors (HF); Guide for Usability Evaluations of Telecommunications Systems and Services


Human Factors (HF); Phone Based Interfaces (PBI) Human Factors Guidelines for the Design of Minimum Phone Based User Interface to Computer Services


Human Factors (HF); Results of an Evaluation Study of Pictograms for Point-to-Point Videotelephony


Analysis Techniques for System Reliability - Procedure for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)


Analysis Techniques for System Reliability - Procedure for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

CEPT T/N 45-01 E

Testing the Compliance of an Equipment with Its Reliability, Maintainability and Availability Specifications


Human Factor Aspects of Visual Display Terminals for Telecommunication Services

CNS B8006

Glossary of Terms for Reliability (General) (Oct)(11381)

CNS C5029

General Rules for Reliability Assured Electronic Components (Jan)(4901)

CNS C5155

Data Processing Vocabulary (Part 14: Reliability, Maintenance and Availability) (Aug)(10242)

CNS C6303

Method of Test for Reliability of Household Audio Product (Oct)(12120)

CNS C6304 Method of Test for Reliability of Video Product (Oct)(12121)

CSA CAN/CSA- Q632-90

Reliability and Maintainability Management Guidelines; (Gen Instr 1)

CSA CAN/CSA- Q633-90

Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Design Guide for Electronic Products; (Gen Instr 1)

CSA Q636-93

Guidelines and Requirements for Reliability Analysis Methods; (Gen Instr 1)


Quality and Reliability Standards


Reliability Quantification


Failure Mode and Effect Analyses

ESD S5.1

REVISED - Human Body Model (HBM) Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing


Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Standards for Telecommunications Applications


Human Factors (HF); Usability Checklist for Telephones Basic Requirements


Human Factors (HF); European Standardisation Situation of Telecommunications Facilities for People with Special Needs


Human Factors (HF); the Multiple Index Approach (MIA) for the Evaluation of Pictograms


Human Factors (HF); Guide for Usability Evaluations of Telecommunications Systems and Services


Human Factors (HF); Phone Based Interfaces (PBI) Human Factors Guidelines for the Design of Minimum Phone Based User Interface to Computer Services


Human Factors (HF); Results of an Evaluation Study of Pictograms for Point-to-Point Videotelephony

ETSI ETS 300 295

Human Factors (HF); Specification of Characteristics of Telephone Services Tones When Locally Generated in Terminals

ETSI PRETS 300 295

Human Factors (HF); Specification of Characteristics of Telephone Services Tones When Locally Generated inTerminals

ETSI PRETS 300 375

Human Factors (HF); Pictograms for Point- to-Point Videotelephony

EURO DEC/81/11953

Reliability Military Data Exchange guide (2nd Edition)


Standard Format for Presentation of Reliability and Maintainability Information for Equipment Suppliers to Prime Constructors

EURO PSC/83/12418

Supply of Basic Maintainability and Reliability Data


Glossary of Reliability Growth Terms


Reliability, Design, Test, and Evaluation Publications

IEC 1014

Programmes for Reliability Growth First Edition

IEC 1078

Analysis Techniques for Dependability - Reliability Block Diagram Method First Edition (CENELEC EN 61078: 1993)

IEC 1123

Reliability Testing Compliance Test Plans for Success Ratio First Edition

IEC 300

Reliability and Maintainability Management Second Edition

IEC 362

Guide for the Collection of Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Data from Field Performance of Electronic Items First Edition

IEC 605

Equipment Reliability Testing

IEC 706 PT 1

Guide on Maintainability of Equipment Part 1: Sections One, Two and Three Introduction, Requirements and Maintainability Programme First Edition

IEC 706 PT 2

Guide on Maintainability of Equipment Part 2: Section Five - Maintainability Studies During the Design Phase First Edition

IEC 706 PT 3

Guide on Maintainability of Equipment Part 3: Sections Six and Seven Verification and Collection, Analysis and Presentation of Data First Edition

IEC 706 PT 4

Guide on Maintainability of Equipment Part 4: Section 8 - Maintenance and Maintenance Support Planning First Edition

IEC 812

Analysis Techniques for System Reliability - Procedure for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) First Edition

IEC 863

Presentation of Reliability, Maintainability and Availability Predictions First Edition

IEEE 352

Guide for General Principles of Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems (R 1994) (ANSI/IEEE)

IEEE 500

Guide to the Collection and Presentation of Electrical, Electronic, Sensing Component, and Mechanical Equipment Reliability Data for Nuclear-Power Generating Stations (R 1991) (ANSI/IEEE)

IEEE 500 P&V

Standard Reliability Data for Pumps and Drivers, Valve Actuators, and Valves

IEEE 577

Standard Requirements for Reliability Analysis in the Design and Operation of Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (R 1992) (ANSI/ IEEE)

IEEE 762

Standard Definitions for Use in Reporting Electric Generating Unit Reliability, Availability, and Productivity (R 1993) (ANSI/IEEE)

IPC D-330 1.2.10

MIL-STD-781 (Reliability Design Qualification and Production Acceptance Tests: Exponential Distribution); Revision C - October 1977, Notice 1 - March 1981 (Design Guide)

IPC D-330 1.2.11

MIL-STD-790 (Reliability Assurance Program for Electronic Parts Specifications); Revision D - May 1986 (Design Guide)

IPC D-330 1.2.18

DOD-STD-2000-1 (Soldering Technology, High Quality/High Reliability); Revision A - March 1985 (Design Guide)

IPC D-330 1.2.19

DOD-STD-2000-2 (Part and Component Mounting for High Quality/High Reliability Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies) (Design Guide)

IPC D-330 1.2.20

DOD-STD-2000-3 (Criteria for High Quality/High Reliability Soldering Technology) (Design Guide)

IPC D-330 1.3.15

MIL-S-45743 (Soldering, Manual Typed, High Reliability Electrical and Electronic Equipment); Revision E - October 1976, Int. Amendment 4 - September 1982 (Design Guide)

IPC D-330

Reliability (Design Guide)

ISO 8107

Nuclear Power Plants - Maintainability - Terminology First Edition

JIS C 5700

General Rules for Reliability Assured Electronic Components (R 1982)

JIS X 0014

Glossary of Terms Used in Information Processing (Reliability, Maintenance and Availability)

JIS Z 8500

Ergonomics - Anthropometric and Biomechanic Measurements


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 1: Introduction Issue 2 (09.87); Amendment 1 Corrections


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 2: Body Size Issue 1 (08.85)


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 3: Body Strength and Stamina Issue 1 (04.84); Corrigendum


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 4: Workplace Design Interim Issue 1 (08.91)


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 5: Stresses and Hazards Interim Issue 1 (05.92)


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 6: Vision and Lighting Issue 1 (08.86)


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 7: Visual Displays Issue 1 (10.86)


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 8: Auditory Information Interim Issue 1 (04.89)


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 9: Voice Communication Interim Issue 1 (04.91)


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 10: Controls Interim Issue 1 (12.92)


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 11: Design for Maintainability Issue 1 (08.88)


Human Factors for Designers of Equipment Part 12: Systems Issue 1 (07.89)


Reliability and Maintainability Part 1: Management Responsibilities and Requirements for Programmes and Plans Issue 2 (07.87) (ARMP-1)


Reliability and Maintainability Part 1: Management Responsibilities and Requirements for Programmes and Plans Issue 2 (07.87) (ARMP-1)


Reliability and Maintainability Part 2: General Application Guidance on the Use of Part 1 (ARMP-1) Issue 1 (06.88) (ARMP-2)


MoD Practices and Procedures for Reliability and Maintainability Part 3: Application of National R and M Documents Issue 1 (08.89) (ARMP-3)


Reliability and Maintainability Part 4: Guidance for Writing NATO R & M Requirements Documents Issue 1 (09.91) (ARMP-4)


Reliability and Maintainability Part 5: Guidance on R & M Training Issue 1 (02.89) (ARMP-5)


Reliability and Maintainability Part 6: In-Service R & M Issue 1 (12.88) (ARMP-6)


Reliability and Maintainability Part 8: Procurement of Off - The - Shelf Equipment (ARMP - 8) Issue 1 (07.92)


Reliability and Maintainability MoD Guide to Practices and Procedures Issue 3 (06.93) (Supersedes All Previously Issued Separate Parts)


Reliability and Maintainability Assurance Activity Part 1: In-Service Reliability Demonstrations Issue 1 (01.93)


Reliability and Maintainability Data Collection and Classification Part 1: Maintenance Data & Defect Reporting in the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force Issue 1 (03.93) (Supersedes Def Stan 05-59)


Reliability and Maintainability Data Collection and Classification Part 2: Data Classification and Incident Sentencing - General Issue 1 (04.94)


Design Criteria for Reliability, Maintainability and Maintenance of Land Service Materiel Part 1: General Requirements Issue 3 (02.79); Amendment 1


Design Criteria for Reliability, Maintainability and Maintenance of Land Service Materiel Part 2: Mechanical Aspects Issue 3 (02.79)


Design Criteria for Reliability, Maintainability and Maintenance of Land Service Materiel Part 3: Electrical and Electronic Aspects Issue 3 (02.79)


Design Criteria for Reliability, Maintainability and Maintenance of Land Service Materiel Part 4: Optical Aspects Issue 1 (02.79)


Reliability of a Series System Issue 1 (03.78)


Guidelines for Classifying Incidents for Reliability Estimation of Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles Issue 1 (10.84)


Requirements for Maintainability Demonstrations of Naval Systems Issue 3 (01.93)


NATO Requirements for Reliability and Maintainability


NATO Requirements for Reliability and Maintainability


General Application Guidance on the Use of ARMP-1


General Application Guidance on the Use of ARMP-1


Application of National R and M Documents


Guidance for Writing NATO R & M Requirements Documents


Guidance on Reliability and Maintainability Training


In-Service R & M


Reliability & Maintainability in the Procurement of Off-The- Shelf Equipment


Allied Reliability and Maintainability Publications


Reliability (SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 1st Ed.)


Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)


Electronic Equipment Maintainability Data


Electronic Equipment Reliability Data


Microcircuit Device Reliability Trend Analysis


Characterization and Failure Analysis Techniques a Procedural Guide


Nonoperating Reliability Databook


Nonelectronic Parts Reliability Data


Mechanical Applications in Reliability Engineering


Analysis Techniques for Mechanical Reliability


Primer for DOD Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Logistics Standards


Reliability Sourcebook


Reliability & Maintainability Software Tools


Practical Statistical Analysis for the Reliability Engineer


IC Quality Grades: Impact on System Reliability and Life Cycle Cost


Confidence Bounds for System Reliability


Surface Mount Technology: A Reliability Review


ESD Control in the Manufacturing Environment


Process Action Team Handbook


Reliability Engineer's Toolkit

SAA AS 2529

Collection of Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Data for Electronics and Similar Engineering Use (R 1994)

SAA AS 2530

Presentation of Reliability Data on Electronic and Similar Components (R 1994)

SAA AS 3930

Reliability and Maintainability - Introductory Guide (in Professional Package 46)

SAA AS 3960

Guide to Reliability and Maintainability Program Management


Automotive Electronics Reliability Handbook; February 1987

SAE AIR 4276

Survey Results: Computerization of Reliability, Maintainability & Supportability (RM&S) in Design

SAE ARD 50010

Recommended RMS Terms and Parameters

SAE ARD 50046

RMS Information Sourcebook

SAE ARP 4107

Aerospace Glossary for Human Factors Engineers

SAE ARP 4153

Human Interface Criteria for Collision

SAE ARP 4155

Human Interface Design Methodology for


Maintainability Recommendations for Aircraft Wheels and Brakes (R 1988)

SAE J 1213/2

Glossary of Reliability Terminology Associated with Automotive Electronics, Information Report; October 1988

SAE J 1460

Human Mechanical Response Characteristics, Information Report; March 1985

SAE J 833

Human Physical Dimensions, Recommended

SAE J 885

Human Tolerance to Impact Conditions as Related to Motor Vehicle Design, Information Report; July 1986


Guideline for Definition and Measurement of Equipment Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM)

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